Support and Documentation


TrxSys is designed to be used. To that end we have made the system very easy to use. TrxSys is for people and businesses.

TrxSys is not an investment cryptocurrency. It will not go up in value. TrxSys cryptocurrency is used to make transactions across TrxSys ecosystem easy and dynamic.

The first step is to register. Click the menu icon then select Registration. The registration process is fairly similar to most any web service. There is a fee to register, but that fee includes sufficient TrxSys cryptocurrency to get started.

TrxSys Technology is called ChainCasting

TrxSys represents a significant leap forward for blockchain technology. Our technology includes:

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) becomes Multiplexed Ledger Technology (MLT). MLT uses a patent pending technology to multiplex signature arrays within a common ledger to essentially virtualize an infinite set of sub-ledgers. This enables very granular control, attestation and definition of related transaction sets. Additionally, ledgers do not need to be distributed to many nodes in order for universal trust to be established.

Decentralization becomes authoritative portability. With authoritative portability, enabled by Multiplexed Ledger Technology, a user can redirect access control to specific transaction sets. The benefit is that a user will be able to choose a new bank, ecommerce site, social media provider, insurance carrier, whomever, by simply selecting a new one. Transations become user-centric versus the existing model of institution-centric.

Multiple additional features within the TrxSys ChainCasting system make blockchain practical. Attributes of TrxSys ChainCasting include: high performance, compliant to GDPR/HIPAA/CCPA, anonymous, reasonable transparency, authoritative portability, anti-fraud, anti-forking, very low cost, predictable cryptocurrency fees/valuation, defined governance model, blocks are redefined to only contain a single transaction, transactions are extended in functionality, and more.

Common Conventions


Rounding uses Round Half to Even at .00001 position (decimal or five significant figures) in all cases where a calculation is performed or data is stored.


      • -2.14971313792379 rounds to -2.14971
      • -1.86093194267841 rounds to -1.86093
      • -0.712145015514913 rounds to -0.71215
      • -1.17901520893561 rounds to -1.17902
      • 9.99308217212349 rounds to 9.99308
      • 4.77936475523151 rounds to 4.77936
      • 7.45880227905527 rounds to 7.4588
      • -2.27925293887061 rounds to -2.27925
      • 6.16237790315072 rounds to 6.16238
      • 8.18933032046289 rounds to 8.18933
      • 3.1234555 rounds to 3.12346
      • 3.1234505 rounds to 3.12345
      • 3.5 rounds to 3.5

Transaction size

During the initial roll-out of TrxSys the maximum transaction size will be 10MB. We will increase the size at a later date.

Encoding and Data Sanitation

Encoding of free form fields

All free form text fields will be encoded to Base64. Even though the message field is encrypted the message will be base64 encoded and then it will be encrypted. This done to keep users safe (and TrxSys). A risk is presented to users if raw messages are displayed with risky code in a message or other free form field.

Sanitation of free form fields

Many free form text fields will be sanitized to reduce the risk of malicious code executing. In such cases that field sanitation is used then a note will appear djacent to the field to inform the user.

Registering a Chain App ID

Chain App Registration

A sender_chain_id must be established with a transaction type 2. This is used to open a sender_chain_id. Without this function then it becomes questionable as to when a Chain App ID was established. Therefore, any transaction other than type 2 will require that the sender_chain_id be confirmed as existing and valid.

How to create a Chain App ID

The easiest way to properly register a Chain App ID (formally called sender_chain_id) is to use the Create Chain App form at [Create a Chain App]

Learn more about creating Chain Apps [Learn about Chain Apps]

Instructions on creating Chain App ID for API use [How to Register a Chain App ID]

Published Public Keys of TrxSys Governor

Every transaction is signed by the centrally controlled governor process. Below is the governor's public key. Eventually there will be many published public keys.

As a reminder, never publish your private keys.

The governor's public key can be accessed as a text file at:

How to decrypt private key

Decrypting the private key

The private key is encrypted via AES. Your keys can be found by going to Menu >> My Account. You will see that your public key is clear text (unencrypted) while the private key is encrypted. To keep your private key safe it is encrypted based on a password (a key) derived from a hash of your TrxSys password. The following is a Perl script to show you how to decrypt your key. You can use this program. Simply install Perl, the requisite modules and then copy your keys exactly as they appear in the My Account page.