About TrxSysTrxSys governs the experimental ChainCasting system as well as blockchains created using ChainCasting. We are both similar yet very different from other blockchains and cryptocurrencies. The biggest difference is that there is a governing body, TrxSys, that works to continuously improve ChainCasting features, maintain security and keep transaction times blazing fast.ChainCasting is the technology developed by and used by TrxSys. ChainCasting is our implementation of a blockchain system. We are also the inventors of the Transaction Container and Transaction as a Service. We are an early stage startup. New features will be released frequently. Check back at our home page. TrxSys is the Internet's "Transaction System" providing "Transaction as a Service". It does not matter if you are a Fortune 500 company or an individual, we are your blockchain. TrxSys is a new type of centrally controlled blockchain enabling "Transaction as a Service". We only do one thing and do it better than anyone else. TrxSys allows people, companies and things (like IOT devices) to share data without giving up ownership and control. We challenge the status quo of Internet companies that operate under the principle that they own your data. TrxSys enables you to own your data. While many blockchain and cryptocurrency systems claim anonymity in transactions TrxSys does provide actual anonymity to prevent your transactions and your data from entering the public domain. However, if you publish your PID (Primary ID) or primary public key then you will lose true anonymity. Additionally, TrxSys adheres to practices that aim to prevent illegal activities such as money laundering, drug dealing, crypto-extortion, etc. TrxSys requires users who make transactions, create chain apps or post information to register with the system.
Who is the TrxSys founder? Robert comes from the world of big tech (Intel Corporation) but this is his personal "weekend" project. He is, "Doing this for fun." Amazingly enough, he studies information theory for fun, architects systems for fun and codes for fun. "Welcome to our journey!" Robert Lawson Vaughn on LinkedIn. Why is there a fee to signup? Registration is currently FREE! The signup fee is currently waived for US and Canadian users. Instead we use a phone number validation method. TrxSys uses our a native cryptocurrency. You may see it referred to as TrxSys cryptocurrency or more simply as "T". We require a minimum purchase of T at the time of registration as both a means of validating who you are (through a credit card transaction) as well as to pay for transactions.
What is meant by the designation of "expermimental"? TrxSys is new. New technology. New use cases. New data model. We are rolling out very slowly so as to refine our architectural model. The "experimental" means that we are at a "alpha" level software release where available features may change without notice. The system can be used. We will not be deleting data. In fact, even if we deleted (which we won't) the entire ledger any transactions written and signed with our public keys will continue to be valid transactions. That capability is a core feature and designed into TrxSys.
Does TrxSys use Bitcoin, Ethereum or other blockchains? We are our own blockchain. We are an entirely new type of blockchain. We are not built on top of or even based on other blockchains (like Bitcoin or Ethereum). TrxSys does not interoperate with other crypto or blockchain platforms. It is unlikely we ever will as we do not consider other platforms to have the security, privacy, performance or services that we provide. TrxSys operates in a model called "as a service" which means that you have no servers to setup and no cloud instances to pay for. We are a fully centralized blockchain provider. TrxSys Monetary Policy for Cryptocurrency:
TrxSys is both the operator and controlling authority for transaction execution and cryptocurrency issuance.
Some myths about blockchain and facts about TrxSys:
Can TrxSys actually be a blockchain if centralized?
Is centralization a bad thing?
Can I mine TrxSys to earn cryptocurrency?
TrxSys does not appear to use Byzantine Fault Tolerance. Is this true?
If TrxSys is centralized does that mean that it is just another cloud service?
Do I need a "crypto wallet" to use TrxSys?
Can I buy TrxSys at crypto exchanges such as Coinbase.com or Binance.com?
Can I buy TrxSys cryptocurrency as an investment?
If I cancel my TrxSys account will my transactions be deleted or blocked?
A note to crypto investors and speculators. TrxSys provides a cryptocurrency to facilitate remuneration within the TrxSys ecosystem. TrxSys does not offer or provide for a means of exchange back to cash (i.e. US dollar). Additionally, the supply is unlimited so as to prevent an increase (or decrease) in the value of our cryptocurrency. Do not sign up and purchase TrxSys Cryptocurrency with the intent of profiting from currency price changes. Any users acting with the intent of investing with be banned from the system without refund. Only purchase as much of our cryptocurrency as is required for account sign up or for your expected transactional needs. Again, TrxSys cryptocurrency is not for investment use. To put it bluntly, TrxSys cryptocurrency will NEVER go up in value. TrxSys cryptocurrency will NEVER be listed on cryptocurrency exchanges.   |